Our goal is to make minted the destination to commemorate experiences with digital collectibles in an easy, and friendly way.

Others in this space focus on marketplaces, metaverses, identity, and follow more of a monetization model.

We're different - minted is a place for communities to celebrate & commemorate experiences & - simple & easy.

Who’s it for?


We started with digital assets for higher education with the premise students should own what they've earned - an NFT diploma. Then we realized there are dozens of meaningful things to celebrate in the journey. From admission letters and that epic campus concert, to micro-credentials, class awards, and the clubs and extracurricular your pour your heart and time into.


Your employees matter the most. Recognize and acknowledge them. Little things go along way.


Crypto isn't just for the bro's. This technology should be inclusive. NFT's don't have to be boring. They can be meaningful and they an align to your experiences.

Problem we’re solving

Universities and Enterprises want to commemorate events and achievements with tokens/NFTs but…